Why Blogging is like Baking

Given my previous posts many fellow bloggers might think I eat only kale and parsley. Now look what I baked today.


The photo was charged for weight loss

Russian pies (pierogi) with the recipe I’ve inherited from my great-grandma. Of course, I don’t eat them (kale and parsley is not a proper filling for the pies) but at the very least I can bake it.

How it all began. I had an overwhelming urge to make something fascinating and beautiful. Yes, I know, my posts entirely fit this description but I decided to rest from blogging labours and use the contents of my fridge (at last!) So I rolled up my sleeves and made the dough. Yes, I literally rolled up the sleeves because our Russian thermometers hardly hit 10 degrees Celsius lately, in the mornings, and our central heating usually doesn’t work in summer.


Are you sure this soup is worth eating? It is acting really weird


Only the dough understands me. It’s exactly the same color as my skin though I look a little fitter. Sun and tan? Never heard. # AfterManyMonthsUnderground #RussianWeather

And suddenly a thought came to my mind! Russian pierogi have much in common with posts. Yes, I know, I can’t rest from blogging even for a minute. Here are the common traits of blog posts and pierogi I’ve found:

  1. They are interesting as long as they are hot.
  2. The more you make, the more people like you.
  3. If you don’t add some salt to it, it becomes tasteless.
  4. Too much sugar? Don’t do it. It seems like my great-grandma was dexterous in blogging.
  5. You would want to make them on a daily basis. But you simply can’t.
  6. Picture does matter.
  7. When asked the question, “What do you do for a living?” you answer, “I’m a blogger”, people look at you suspiciously. If you answer, “I’m a pierogi baker” people look at you the same way.
  8. If one doesn’t like this pierog/post, they will not return the next time (your mother doesn’t count).
  9. If you make them the same every single day, people are likely to get bored with what you cook. Different fillings is a good solution.
  10. And now, last but not least, feedback. While listening to others, constantly improve your recipes.

P.S. Dear bakers bloggers, hope you find this interesting, and if it’s so you might enjoy this one (High calorie blogging) too.

Bon appetit

25 thoughts on “Why Blogging is like Baking

  1. Another delightful analogy. Your Pierogi looks much better than the ones I’ve had here in the Great Outrageous. I am overwhelmed by all the good things you offer today. Home baked Pierogi – I have a deep fondness for home cooked/baked food. I’m not sure but I think that makes me an Omnivore. Good blog advice – I need more of that :-), a new blog theme (# ix) and a captivating avatar (#vi) Oh my, Marta! When you are inspired, you really shine, just like your new avatar. And she looks like a very nice herbivore. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know it’s a bit strange but Pierogi is a plural form, It’s just like they are on the recipes. Maybe the reason is that it’s hard to bake only one pierog at a time =) I love baked food more than anything, even more than veggie stuff. Yes, now I only have one summer photo that inspires me. I was always told that pin-up suits me.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I like the picture a lot. My mother always wore a a scarf tied over her hair, like your avatar, when she worked in the house or the garden. She also wore it when we went to the beach. She loved polka-dot scarfs and bathing suits that match, which was the fashion at the time. I think if people tell you that it suits you then it is a nice compliment. Have a great week end, Marta!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I have tasted Polish pierogi – I’m not a member of the Pierogi Fan Club if you know what I mean :D, the ones in the photo look delicious – maybe I should reconsider the Fan Club issue.
    I like your humour, I had no idea it could be so close to ours.
    Your avatar reminds me Carmen Miranda!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s a beautiful analogy! Every single point of comparison is so convincing and relatable. Your writing style is different. I like it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. interesting take on baking I totally ♥♥♥
    have a post about my journey to blogging and its much like a cookery review if there is such a thing 🙂
    Lovely meeting your blog thanks for the pierogis? will have to google how to pronounce that but looks yummy regardless


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